Apron Feeder Chain Machine

Spiralink Bulktech - Apron feeder chain Machine, Mechanical feeder Machine Manufacturer, India

Apron Feeder Machine

Apron Feeder Chain Machine is a type of mechanical feeder used to transfer material to other instruments or extract material from stockpiles. The materials are transferred to a crusher at a uniform rate. In a mineral processing circuit, the Apron Feeder Machine are more diverse in their particular applications.

Ideally, Apron Feeder Chain Machine are selected for handling of very hard, rugged type and vigorous materials. The components that make up an Apron Feeder Chain Machine include a perfect assembly of the head-shaft combination, chains, carry rollers,flights, electrical motion switches.

Apron Feeder Chain Machine can handle extremely small and large capacities of load ahead of all other type of feeders. The accuracy rate depicted by Apron Feeder Chain Machine is high, increased reliability, low maintenance and better feed control. The productive capacity of an Apron Feeder Chain Machine is quite high in comparison with other feeders.